[su_box title=”Keep in mind….” style=”default”]
- Under the Affordable Care Act, you can stay under your parent’s health insurance until you reach 26-years-old
- You do not need to live with your parents to be eligible
- Marriage does not affect eligibility
Cheap health insurance for students can easily be found by doing a little research online or asking your physician for a list of health insurance providers that they accept.
Speaking with your primary doctor is a very good place to start since most medical facilities have relationships with health insurance providers and may be able to provide you with a quick list of reliable insurance agencies.
Find affordable health insurance in your area today!
Does my age affect my eligibility?
Before you start your search, however, you should be aware of the new Affordable Care Act that passed in March 2010.
Investigate the specifics involved with this new law and see how you can take advantage of the changes that have already been put into place for young adults and health insurance.
Previously, a student could remain on their parents’ health insurance until the age of 19.
With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, you may meet the qualifications required to keep your health insurance under your parents until you reach the age of 26.
You may not need to buy health insurance just yet and coverage under your parents plan will save you tons of time, money and worry.
By having access to medical care for a longer period of time, you can virtually guarantee certain services like, preventive care that will help to produce a stronger, much healthier adult.
Once you do require your own health insurance, you may be eligible for lower rates if you remain in excellent health.
Do I have to live at home to be covered under my parents insurance?
You do not need to live with your parents in order to utilize their health insurance.
If you have a full-time job and are 100 percent independent, you can still take advantage of the Affordable Care Act.
You are able receive proper medical treatment using your parents’ health insurance. This also applies if you are married.
However, since the full law will not be in effect until 2014, there are certain stipulations you must abide by.
If you have a long-term health insurance policy that has been grandfathered, your student-child will not be eligible if they can acquire health insurance from a different source, like their employer.
Also, you must give your current health insurance provider a minimum of 30 days notice in advance and provide them with your request in writing.
You cannot add your adult child to your health insurance policy online or over the telephone.
What if one of my parents is on Medicare?
Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act does not apply to people who receive Medicare. Medicare is a government funded health insurance provider for those over 65 or people who are physically or mentally challenged.
Medicare was designed to provide quality health insurance to people who usually require extensive medical care because of a disability.
They are placed in a specific group according to their situation and their medical history is carefully tracked.
The Affordable Care Act applies to private insurance companies only. This means that if your parent or parents have Medicare, you must apply for your own health insurance coverage, regardless of your age.
As a young child, your parents probably already had private insurance for you to cover illness or injury.
This should continue as an adult. You cannot cancel your current health insurance policy in an attempt to be included in Medicare.
When am I no longer eligible for health insurance under my parents plan?
Upon reaching your 26th birthday, you and your parents will receive official notification from the insurance company advising of your options.
The notice is generally sent between 30 to 60 days prior your actual date of birth listed on the application. Once you receive the information, consider your plans carefully.
Your official expiration date will be on or before your 26th birthday.
A good idea may be for you to discuss your plans with your parents before your insurance expires.
You may even be able to utilize the same health insurance company and create your own plan. After all, they will have all of your medical records.
Most health insurance companies want to keep their customers so they may be able to give you a good policy that fits you perfectly.
Rather than going out and taking a chance on an unknown agency, consider them as your first choice. At the very least, they should be able to give you some advice on coverage options.
Being a student is difficult enough with course preparations. You can avoid any additional stress in your life by having a sound health insurance plan.
Save yourself the time and effort of searching for low cost health insurance by asking your parents to add you to their current policy.
Your parents want you to be safe and healthy; it’s a good bet that they will take every step needed to secure your protection.
Plan for your future today. Use our FREE tool to find affordable health insurance now!
[su_spoiler title=”References:” icon=”caret-square” style=”fancy” open=”yes”]
- http://obamacarefacts.com/minimum-essential-coverage/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act
- http://longtermcare.gov/costs-how-to-pay/what-is-long-term-care-insurance/
- https://www.medicare.gov/
- http://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/tc/understanding-health-insurance-types-of-health-insurance
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Insurance_Portability_and_Accountability_Act